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Moss v. Bush

News reports


from Timeline_of_the_2004_U.S._presidential_election_controversy_and_irregularities keyword: "moss v. bush"

dec. 27

Ohio, Moss v. Bush: Kenneth Blackwell refused to appear at a deposition. (AP) (http://www.nbc4i.com/politics/4027481/detail.html)(AP) (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002132450_ohiovote28.html) (freepress) (http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/1046) Ohio, Moss v. Bush: Republicans Subpoenaed in Ohio Recount (wikinews) Ohio, Moss v. Bush: [334] (http://www.pej.org/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1325&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0) "Richard Conglianese, Ohio Assistant Attorney General, is seeking a court order to protect Blackwell from testifying under oath about how the election was run. James R. Dicks, Miami County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, filed a motion to block a subpoena in his county while Conglianese filed to block subpoenas in ten key Ohio counties. George Bush, Richard Cheney and Karl Rove received notice that they will be deposed Tuesday and Wednesday, December 28 and 29. The trio's Ohio attorney ... claims his clients have not been properly served." Voters in Trumbull County have testified that on Election Day they received punch-card ballots where holes were already punched for Bush. Miami County: Blackwell (Sec. of State) certified a 98.6% turnout in the Concord Southwest precinct, comprised of 520 votes for Bush and 157 for Kerry. This statistically improbable turnout has all but 10 of the 689 registered voters casting their ballots ... A preliminary canvas ... of less than half the precinct found 25 registered voters admitting they had not voted, meaning the official tally was almost certainly fraudulent. Under Ohio election law, the members, directors and deputy directors of all boards of elections are assigned by the Secretary of State ... at his discretion ... [Arguments that the election was bipartisan and fraud-free overlook] the fact that the principles all owe their jobs to the Secretary of State, who in this case served as co-chair of the state's Bush-Cheney campaign. Affidavits sworn, that voting machines in Mahoning and Coshocton counties were set to highlight and default to a "bush" choice before the voter had made a selection. Ties investigated between Triad and Datamaxx, a TN based company. Another 42 voting machines identified from serial numbers, unclear if these were in addition to the 68 held back in Franklin. Blackwell is escalating his public appearances in hopes of becoming Ohio’s next governor. On January 12, 2005, Blackwell is scheduled to speak at the exclusive Scioto Country Club on the topic of "Ethics in Leadership."

  • dec. 29: Ohio, Moss v. Bush:

Moyer denies motion on pleading technicalities regarding the affidavits and exhibits pdf (http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/rod/newpdf/0/2004/2004-ohio-7119.pdf) Judge Moyer refuses to recuse himself from suit: calls the voters' claim, which comprises numerous affidavits and other claimed evidence, "wholly without foundation", and alleges that the petition, which cites multiple instances of Ohio election officials engaging in illegal conduct, does not suggest "that Ohio election officials are engaging ... in illegal conduct" pdf (http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/rod/newpdf/0/2004/2004-ohio-7120.pdf) (AP) (http://www.newsnet5.com/news/4034135/detail.html) (AP) (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-4700646,00.html)